Introductory video course
by Dr. Joe Dispenza and life stream with Alexander Senchenko
Explore the science of consciously shaping your reality using Dr Joe Dispenza's method, which has already helped change the lives of thousands of people around the world!
Making Your
Mind Matter ©®
Explore the science of consciously shaping your reality using Dr Joe Dispenza's method, which has already helped change the lives of thousands of people around the world!
Introductory video course by Dr. Joe Dispenza and life stream with Alexander Senchenko
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Alexander Senchenko
Video course and webinar presenters
1st lesson will be unlocked immediately after the registration
Coordinator for Dr. Joe Dispenza's Russian community;
NeuroChangeSolutions consultant (Dr Dispenza);
HeartMath Institute trainer;
Creator of the New Norma project, helping 100,000+ people around the globe change their lives.
Neuroscience Research Scientist;
Author of the unique life transformation program;
Lecturer, educator and corporate consultant, who have spoken on
all continents;
Author of 4 world bestselling books.
Исследователь в области нейробиологии;
Автор уникальной программы трансформации жизни;
Лектор, просветитель и корпоративный консультант, выступающий
на всех континентах;
Автор 4х мировых бестселлеров.
Координатор русскоговорящего Сообщества д-ра Джо Диспензы;
Консультант NeuroChangeSolutions (Dr Dispenza);
Тренер HeartMath Institute;
Создатель проекта "Новая Норма", который помог 100 000+ людей по всему миру изменить свою жизнь.
Introductory course schedule
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1
Access to the third video will open
Access to the second video will open
Access to the first video will open
Access to the fourth video will open
Access to the fourth video will open
Access to the first video will open
Access to the first video will open
Access to the first video will open
Replay of the webinar by Alexander Senchenko
Day 4
Day 4 at 7 pm (Moscow time)
Within 4 days you will learn the methodology that will help you to start changing key aspects of your life
  • Restore your health and immune system, boost your energy levels, concentration and efficiency to feel healthy again
  • Be in love and harmony with your partner, and leave all fears and doubts behind
  • Reach new level of financial stability and realize yourself by overcoming internal obstacles to achieving personal goals
4 videos and meditation with Joe Dispenza
Webinar replay
with valuable information and Q&A section from Dr. Dispenza's representative Alexander Senchenko
Community of conscious people
you can grow and heal with
Testimonies of healing
from people from CIS countries and around the world
A unique FORMULA by Dr. Joe Dispenza
that have already helped 100,000+ people around the globe change their lives
Opportunity to participate in Joe Dispenza's online programs
If you have a promo code, please enter it on the checkout page.
If you need any help,
please contact us via Whatsapp
If you need any help,
please contact us via Whatsapp
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